2 ARI-19/20The Programmers

martes, 11 de febrero de 2020

16th week

   Well, this is our last week of the challenge. We have an exam on English Thursday and Challenge Friday. We have been very well prepared the exams and in the challenge we go very well of time. We can't fail as it's the last of the year and the whole group is looking forward to going on practice in March. In the challenge we only have to communicate two PLCs and apart communicate the 4 PLCs per X_GET. We're confident we'll pull him forward. With this latest Blog we say goodbye and have a life ahead of them.

Resultado de imagen de despedida del curso


   This week the challenge is over. We already have almost everything done and surely give us time to present the model without problems. We are very concerned about the exam, as we do not look comfortable with the content of this challenge. We hope to approve it this Friday, otherwise we have to make the recovery next Tuesday. We'd be notified of the test results on Saturday, so it wouldn't take much time to go over. We will pray to the Virgin Lourdes or prepare an envelope for the teacher.

Resultado de imagen de comunicacion plcs

We're in the last week of this course before we go to practice. We are very nervous about what the exam we have to do on Friday, it is quite complicated although PROFIBUS and XGET already know how to use. It is the most difficult challenge according to the opinion of our colleagues, it has been difficult for them to get these models to communicate with each other. In general we hope that by next year the models will work better and there will be more help material that teachers can provide us.

Resultado de imagen de examen foto

Last week of the blog, finally i was getting tired already, every tuesday/thursday writting 5 lines , but the grind was worth it, we have a very high score on the blog, and with the oral exam we have a very high grade. I hope we all pass and go to work soon, 6 years on maristas, i am eager to see some action finally, I would love to learn what the business worlds have to offer, and see how i can improve on my teamwork, with this I sign off, see you around!
Resultado de imagen de see you

This week we finish the challenge and class, on Friday we have exam and we have to pass it all to be able to go practice and after they give us the certificate of industrial robotics, we are quite nervous about this exam since it is very difficult and costs quite Understand. Once this exam is passed, we're going to take all the pressures on us. This year the English subject I liked very much because we have learned different things and I am very happy with the teacher.

Resultado de imagen de INGLES

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2020

15th week

This week we finished the profibus and MPI exercises with the functions of X-PUT and X-GET. These exercises are good for us to practice a little for the exam that we will have to do in 2 weeks. Now we've started with the 4 mock-up slats. We have divided the work among the 5 members of the group, each one makes a model and the most difficult one that has been made to us among 2 people. Once this programming is done we will have to start communicating with each other so that when one is launched the following will work automatically.

Resultado de imagen de profibus step 7"

We started the main project, it isn't hard on its own, but connecting all the PLCs at once and make them comunicate, and getting X-PUT & X-GET is complicated. Also we have to use global commands or PROFIBUS, I think we might use PROFIBUS but we are not sure yet. All of us are working hard and trying to get it going, our last challenge and one of the hardest. We hope we dont stay here another year, we all want to get out and finally get a nice job.

Resultado de imagen de xput xget setp 7

We have just finished programming the panels individually, now it is up to us to communicate it with the PROFIBUS method. At first it becomes difficult to understand the interface of the program, but with the user guide and a little patience it is done little by little. The problem we're going to have is that everyone has made their program on a different computer and now we have to put them together, and that's quite complicated. We will have to look at tutorials on youtube of someone who explains it properly.

Resultado de imagen de comunicacion profibus

This week we started programming the 4 panels which is what the challenge is. We will try to start communicating what is the most complicated thing about this challenge. We still have the exercises to finish, which the exercises consist of communicating but we still can't do it. Apart from communicating we have to learn how to use the functions of X-PUT and X-GET that the operation is to take report and send information to a PLC. We only have two weeks of challenge left and
we have to organize well.


There are only 2 weeks to finish the challenge, this challenge is the most difficult on a personal level because you have to understand many things and learn a lot, on February 14th we have the last exam and if we pass it we go practice 3 months and we take the course ,I hope that my colleagues and I will pass this last exam so that we can all go on practice to learn in the world of work since many of us have never worked yet.

Resultado de imagen de gente trabajando en oibra dibujo

martes, 28 de enero de 2020


This week we are understanding the operation of the project that has touched us now, you could say that it is the most difficult of the whole year and that is why we have to be focused to learn everything for the exam of the next February 14th, we're having a hard time getting the robot up and running, but we're slowly moving forward both individually and in a group. It's the last test we have to do to leave in March of practice

We're in the second week of the challenge. We have to deliver for this week 6 mpi and PROFIBUS exercises. Apart for next week we plan to start programming the four panels that is the challenge project. We have to communicate 4 PLC via mpi and profibus. Each panel has to have its graphet, its inputs and outputs and separate its program. Once we have done the 4 programs we have to communicate them between them. We have to work together to overcome the challenge.

This week we have been given the results of the exam that we did, after being threatened by these results, now it is up to us to put the batteries in to finish the challenge well. We are making the communication through PROFIBUS, making some notes to take them to the exam. Other colleagues are working with the programming of the 4 models. Once we are done with this we have to communicate the models using PUT and GET and with PROFIBUS, since in the exam we will be asked to make this communication.

Last challenge, 2 weeks in and we are still clueless, we dont have much of an idea about communication, Profibus and MPI are both very complicated and need a lot of time to get used to.
But we are working on it and in 2 days we got 3 excersices done, if we keep this up we will end in no time, and we'll be off to study very soon, but I dont think that is likely, some issue we dont know about occurs very often, still we are giving our best and trying very hard, we dont want to end up here next  year.

This week we are finishing the exercises to be done in the challenge, as the teachers did not say that the deadline for delivery is this Friday. For me this is the most complicated challenge of the whole course since I have never touched what is given here. I'm afraid of the exam, because, last time the teacher got angry about how the previous ones did and doesn't want it to happen again. People did the bare minimum to pass with a 5. Let's hope he's good with us and doesn't create trouble for us on the test.

martes, 21 de enero de 2020

13TH Week

We have the oral exam on thursday, Mikel and I are working on it, we are ready for the conversation and are eager to speak about it. Today we started the last challenge, we have to do some excersices and then we also have to make the project, connecting 4 plcs with Profibus or MPI.
It seems Profibus is really hard, so we started working full on it, we only have until the 14 of February, so we hope to finish by that time.

Resultado de imagen de examen oral dibujo

Resultado de imagen de omron sysmac
Last challenge was Omron, and we think we did it all right, mostly everything worked but we couldn't get the servo-motor to work, and the graph had some issues, not our fault, but still didn't work. This one is the last challenge so we still have to work hard, we end classes on February, but practices don't start until March, so we still have a month to keep working on the challenge, and end the final project, we have around 10 days to finish whatever they choose.

This week we have started with the last challenge of the year. The previous examination of the challenge was done very well, although they still have to give us the result. This challenge is the most difficult of all the challenges of the class, so we can't relax. In this challenge what we have you do is programs 4 projects, and communicate them between them, and apart we have exercises to do to deliver it next week. We all have to work to get it approved and all of us to go on practice to the company.

Resultado de imagen de comunicacion mpi

Resultado de imagen de comunicacion profibus
This week we're nervous knowing that friday is going to give us the test note we did last week. We hope to pass but after finishing it doubts came out and we do not know if we did it right or wrong. Whatever comes out we have to dedicate ourselves to do as soon as possible the exercises of the new challenge to finish the project so that we can prepare well for the last exam that comes our way. We have to work hard to approve it, otherwise, we're going to have to go to the recoveries. We have to work hard to approve it, otherwise, we're going to have to go to the recoveries. We will have to leave the skin in this last challenge.

This week we finished the fourth challenge, we had an exam where we simulated the operation of a washing machine with different buttons and an engine that was spinning to one side or the other. Depending on the washing mode this motor was spinning at one speed or another. We thought it was a pretty easy test. Now we have the challenge of this course that for us seeing the results of the other colleagues is the most difficult challenge.

 Although the programming of the models is very simple, the complicated thing about this challenge is to communicate the 4 models with PROFIBUS, no group has managed to realize this challenge through that communication. As a tip of the teachers we have started from today to do different PROFIBUS exercises so that we can learn better how it has to be done.

Resultado de imagen de comunicacion mpi

martes, 14 de enero de 2020

12th Week

We started this week after having had 2 weeks of vacation, we come unwillingly after these, it shows. The good thing is that we have a lot of advance work and the return is getting more enjoyable. The bad thing is that on the way back we were waiting for the challenge exam and we were a little nervous, after the holiday it is difficult to remember everything we did before. We are using this week to finish what little challenge we have left, especially to review the exam and thus be able to pass it with less difficulty.

Resultado de imagen de dibujo exam

Omron isn't my favourite program to work with, but it runs just fine, im eager to end the classes, so we can start with the final project. I am thinking on using the Universal Robot one, I might have to do it alone, Mikel Lopez doesn't really want to do it, but it seems like it's a nice experience.
In the workfield you always need to work on new things so its always rewarding to do something in a new way, and learn other ways of programming and robot. But im just thinking about it, if I dont do that i would also like to work on the ABB robotic arm.

Resultado de imagen de brazo robot

We are currently in the last week of the project, we already finished the main programming, but we are still working on the HMI, it's a more complex way of working than Siemens's TIA PORTAL.
We also have an exam on friday, so we are also working on that, only another month untill we end the school year, so we are giving our best. We are also working on the conversation, Endika and I are working on it and i think it will turn out great.

Resultado de imagen de hmi pantalla

We're in the last week of the challenge, and we're getting along really well. We have an exam this Friday about a programming at Omron and also schedule the screen. We are working very well as a group as we carry an order. Let's hope we'll pass on Friday's exam for all of us so that we can focus better on the next challenge as it will be the last and we can't fail. Once these two challenges are over, we will all go from practice to different companies. Mikel, Alvaro and Ander, as they are already dual, will remain in their businesses.

Resultado de imagen de omron programa

This week we finished another challenge. This week we have to finish everything to make everything perfect for when the teachers correct them, on Friday we have exam, this exam on my part is the most difficult because there are many things we need to know. Let's hope the 5 of the group pass the exam and move on to the next challenge that is the last one and thus finish the exams. This challenge has been very interesting because we have learned a lot and it will be worth us for a future when we are working.

Resultado de imagen de omron symatic plc

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2019

11th week

We recently started with OMRON, it's a very unique way of programming, it has a very visual way of showing how it all works. It combines a PLC with a HMI display.
We just got the frequency inverter working, the issue we had was some wires were not connected correctly, and the PLC displayerd an error of communication, but we got throught that and started with the excersices, shouldn't take too long to complete, maybe in a couple of days.

Resultado de imagen de plc omron

Resultado de imagen de sysmac studio
This is our last week of the year and we have to take advantage of it as Christmas comes and we want to leave all relaxed. Some teammates are doing tab 1, which consists of the screen, then another with the tab 2 which is the challenge program and the others with the drive. This challenge is something new for everyone as we have never used this type of program and it is getting a little difficult. It's been a good year and hopefully next year will remain the same as the last year. Thank you.

We are very concerned in this challenge because there is an examination. In the previous challenge we did not have it and that is why it gave us more time and tranquility to do the exercises and the project. But in this challenge we have an exam and we do not look good for it and we do not see each other in time to finish the exercises and the project. Our colleagues told us it's the easiest exam of the whole course, but we don't think so. We discussed this to our teacher and he told us that it was not so much, so he taught us an exam similar to what we are going to enter to see it and see what he is going to ask us. After seeing it we realized that it was not for so much and now we are calmer, yet we should not relax and give our best.

Resultado de imagen de dibujo examen

Resultado de imagen de variador de frecuencia

We are facing the last week before the Christmas holidays, looking at the results this year we believe that we have worked very well as a team and that there has been very good atmosphere between us, now we have to charge the batteries in these two weeks and come wanting to t slow down to overcome the final stretch we have left. On the return of vacation we will review the challenge and put with exercises of reviewing the drive and the HMI screen together with the OMRON program. In this challenge we have an exam on January 17, so we have to prepare it well to try to get the maximum score possible.

This week we started the new challenge, as we now have the Christmas holidays we have less time to finish the challenge and apart from the holiday we will forget what we have done these days, but we will return with more strength to learn and improve as much as we can, have a nice holiday and enjoy the family. A very meaningful hug.

Resultado de imagen de christmas felicitacion ingles

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019

10th week

We've already finished the third challenge and this week we've moved on to the fourth. Finally the third challenge has worked out very well for us and I am very proud of my group. In this new challenge we will follow the same steps as in the previous one so that we do not slow down. We only have two challenges left and we can't relax. This challenge is something new for us as we have seen almost nothing before. The only thing we know or that becomes something known to us is the Variator.
Resultado de imagen de variador

This week we changed our challenges, we finished the previous project, we did not have to do an exam but we had to deliver many jobs, the challenge that we are now is quite difficult and we will have to study a lot and do many exercises to be able to pass. Now we have a Christmas break and we're going to have to stop and until we come back we can't study. Let's hope that on the break that vacation doesn't let us forget things.

Resultado de imagen de motor trifasico

We have divided the work in such a way that each one starts to do one thing to do it faster and to have more time to repair or ask about the damages that we have throughout the challenge. As we have been told, the colleagues who have already done this challenge, is one of the easiest we have in the whole course. Although I don't see it that way, because, I've never touched anything on Omrom. It doesn't matter if it's difficult or easy for us, we have to do it anyway. Today is the first day and we're a little lost.

Resultado de imagen de omron programacion

This way of programming is quite diferent to what we've been doing untill now, it combines HMI with TIA PORTAL, and starting with it is very challenging, we just started and we are so lost.
But we did really good on the last challenge, so I trust my teammates on this challenge we are going to give it our all again. This kind of screens are used a lot on industries, so it is nice that we can do something actually usefull, maybe when we start working we will have an advantage over other people. 
Resultado de imagen de omron industrial

This week we started with the new challenge, in this challenge we have to use the omron system, the programming is similar to tia portal only a little longer and more complicated. We have started by programming the language of reles that we have had to translate from a scl language, this is done and then simulate several things on a screen using this we will control the whole process. After this we will have to start using the varied frequency with a triphase motor.  Let's hope this challenge isn't too complicated.

Resultado de imagen de omron industrial pantalla