lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2019

11th week

We recently started with OMRON, it's a very unique way of programming, it has a very visual way of showing how it all works. It combines a PLC with a HMI display.
We just got the frequency inverter working, the issue we had was some wires were not connected correctly, and the PLC displayerd an error of communication, but we got throught that and started with the excersices, shouldn't take too long to complete, maybe in a couple of days.

Resultado de imagen de plc omron

Resultado de imagen de sysmac studio
This is our last week of the year and we have to take advantage of it as Christmas comes and we want to leave all relaxed. Some teammates are doing tab 1, which consists of the screen, then another with the tab 2 which is the challenge program and the others with the drive. This challenge is something new for everyone as we have never used this type of program and it is getting a little difficult. It's been a good year and hopefully next year will remain the same as the last year. Thank you.

We are very concerned in this challenge because there is an examination. In the previous challenge we did not have it and that is why it gave us more time and tranquility to do the exercises and the project. But in this challenge we have an exam and we do not look good for it and we do not see each other in time to finish the exercises and the project. Our colleagues told us it's the easiest exam of the whole course, but we don't think so. We discussed this to our teacher and he told us that it was not so much, so he taught us an exam similar to what we are going to enter to see it and see what he is going to ask us. After seeing it we realized that it was not for so much and now we are calmer, yet we should not relax and give our best.

Resultado de imagen de dibujo examen

Resultado de imagen de variador de frecuencia

We are facing the last week before the Christmas holidays, looking at the results this year we believe that we have worked very well as a team and that there has been very good atmosphere between us, now we have to charge the batteries in these two weeks and come wanting to t slow down to overcome the final stretch we have left. On the return of vacation we will review the challenge and put with exercises of reviewing the drive and the HMI screen together with the OMRON program. In this challenge we have an exam on January 17, so we have to prepare it well to try to get the maximum score possible.

This week we started the new challenge, as we now have the Christmas holidays we have less time to finish the challenge and apart from the holiday we will forget what we have done these days, but we will return with more strength to learn and improve as much as we can, have a nice holiday and enjoy the family. A very meaningful hug.

Resultado de imagen de christmas felicitacion ingles

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