martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019

10th week

We've already finished the third challenge and this week we've moved on to the fourth. Finally the third challenge has worked out very well for us and I am very proud of my group. In this new challenge we will follow the same steps as in the previous one so that we do not slow down. We only have two challenges left and we can't relax. This challenge is something new for us as we have seen almost nothing before. The only thing we know or that becomes something known to us is the Variator.
Resultado de imagen de variador

This week we changed our challenges, we finished the previous project, we did not have to do an exam but we had to deliver many jobs, the challenge that we are now is quite difficult and we will have to study a lot and do many exercises to be able to pass. Now we have a Christmas break and we're going to have to stop and until we come back we can't study. Let's hope that on the break that vacation doesn't let us forget things.

Resultado de imagen de motor trifasico

We have divided the work in such a way that each one starts to do one thing to do it faster and to have more time to repair or ask about the damages that we have throughout the challenge. As we have been told, the colleagues who have already done this challenge, is one of the easiest we have in the whole course. Although I don't see it that way, because, I've never touched anything on Omrom. It doesn't matter if it's difficult or easy for us, we have to do it anyway. Today is the first day and we're a little lost.

Resultado de imagen de omron programacion

This way of programming is quite diferent to what we've been doing untill now, it combines HMI with TIA PORTAL, and starting with it is very challenging, we just started and we are so lost.
But we did really good on the last challenge, so I trust my teammates on this challenge we are going to give it our all again. This kind of screens are used a lot on industries, so it is nice that we can do something actually usefull, maybe when we start working we will have an advantage over other people. 
Resultado de imagen de omron industrial

This week we started with the new challenge, in this challenge we have to use the omron system, the programming is similar to tia portal only a little longer and more complicated. We have started by programming the language of reles that we have had to translate from a scl language, this is done and then simulate several things on a screen using this we will control the whole process. After this we will have to start using the varied frequency with a triphase motor.  Let's hope this challenge isn't too complicated.

Resultado de imagen de omron industrial pantalla

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