Omron isn't my favourite program to work with, but it runs just fine, im eager to end the classes, so we can start with the final project. I am thinking on using the Universal Robot one, I might have to do it alone, Mikel Lopez doesn't really want to do it, but it seems like it's a nice experience.
In the workfield you always need to work on new things so its always rewarding to do something in a new way, and learn other ways of programming and robot. But im just thinking about it, if I dont do that i would also like to work on the ABB robotic arm.

We are currently in the last week of the project, we already finished the main programming, but we are still working on the HMI, it's a more complex way of working than Siemens's TIA PORTAL.
We also have an exam on friday, so we are also working on that, only another month untill we end the school year, so we are giving our best. We are also working on the conversation, Endika and I are working on it and i think it will turn out great.

We're in the last week of the challenge, and we're getting along really well. We have an exam this Friday about a programming at Omron and also schedule the screen. We are working very well as a group as we carry an order. Let's hope we'll pass on Friday's exam for all of us so that we can focus better on the next challenge as it will be the last and we can't fail. Once these two challenges are over, we will all go from practice to different companies. Mikel, Alvaro and Ander, as they are already dual, will remain in their businesses.

This week we finished another challenge. This week we have to finish everything to make everything perfect for when the teachers correct them, on Friday we have exam, this exam on my part is the most difficult because there are many things we need to know. Let's hope the 5 of the group pass the exam and move on to the next challenge that is the last one and thus finish the exams. This challenge has been very interesting because we have learned a lot and it will be worth us for a future when we are working.

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