martes, 21 de enero de 2020

13TH Week

We have the oral exam on thursday, Mikel and I are working on it, we are ready for the conversation and are eager to speak about it. Today we started the last challenge, we have to do some excersices and then we also have to make the project, connecting 4 plcs with Profibus or MPI.
It seems Profibus is really hard, so we started working full on it, we only have until the 14 of February, so we hope to finish by that time.

Resultado de imagen de examen oral dibujo

Resultado de imagen de omron sysmac
Last challenge was Omron, and we think we did it all right, mostly everything worked but we couldn't get the servo-motor to work, and the graph had some issues, not our fault, but still didn't work. This one is the last challenge so we still have to work hard, we end classes on February, but practices don't start until March, so we still have a month to keep working on the challenge, and end the final project, we have around 10 days to finish whatever they choose.

This week we have started with the last challenge of the year. The previous examination of the challenge was done very well, although they still have to give us the result. This challenge is the most difficult of all the challenges of the class, so we can't relax. In this challenge what we have you do is programs 4 projects, and communicate them between them, and apart we have exercises to do to deliver it next week. We all have to work to get it approved and all of us to go on practice to the company.

Resultado de imagen de comunicacion mpi

Resultado de imagen de comunicacion profibus
This week we're nervous knowing that friday is going to give us the test note we did last week. We hope to pass but after finishing it doubts came out and we do not know if we did it right or wrong. Whatever comes out we have to dedicate ourselves to do as soon as possible the exercises of the new challenge to finish the project so that we can prepare well for the last exam that comes our way. We have to work hard to approve it, otherwise, we're going to have to go to the recoveries. We have to work hard to approve it, otherwise, we're going to have to go to the recoveries. We will have to leave the skin in this last challenge.

This week we finished the fourth challenge, we had an exam where we simulated the operation of a washing machine with different buttons and an engine that was spinning to one side or the other. Depending on the washing mode this motor was spinning at one speed or another. We thought it was a pretty easy test. Now we have the challenge of this course that for us seeing the results of the other colleagues is the most difficult challenge.

 Although the programming of the models is very simple, the complicated thing about this challenge is to communicate the 4 models with PROFIBUS, no group has managed to realize this challenge through that communication. As a tip of the teachers we have started from today to do different PROFIBUS exercises so that we can learn better how it has to be done.

Resultado de imagen de comunicacion mpi

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