We started the main project, it isn't hard on its own, but connecting all the PLCs at once and make them comunicate, and getting X-PUT & X-GET is complicated. Also we have to use global commands or PROFIBUS, I think we might use PROFIBUS but we are not sure yet. All of us are working hard and trying to get it going, our last challenge and one of the hardest. We hope we dont stay here another year, we all want to get out and finally get a nice job.

We have just finished programming the panels individually, now it is up to us to communicate it with the PROFIBUS method. At first it becomes difficult to understand the interface of the program, but with the user guide and a little patience it is done little by little. The problem we're going to have is that everyone has made their program on a different computer and now we have to put them together, and that's quite complicated. We will have to look at tutorials on youtube of someone who explains it properly.

This week we started programming the 4 panels which is what the challenge is. We will try to start communicating what is the most complicated thing about this challenge. We still have the exercises to finish, which the exercises consist of communicating but we still can't do it. Apart from communicating we have to learn how to use the functions of X-PUT and X-GET that the operation is to take report and send information to a PLC. We only have two weeks of challenge left and
we have to organize well.

There are only 2 weeks to finish the challenge, this challenge is the most difficult on a personal level because you have to understand many things and learn a lot, on February 14th we have the last exam and if we pass it we go practice 3 months and we take the course ,I hope that my colleagues and I will pass this last exam so that we can all go on practice to learn in the world of work since many of us have never worked yet.