lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2019

11th week

We recently started with OMRON, it's a very unique way of programming, it has a very visual way of showing how it all works. It combines a PLC with a HMI display.
We just got the frequency inverter working, the issue we had was some wires were not connected correctly, and the PLC displayerd an error of communication, but we got throught that and started with the excersices, shouldn't take too long to complete, maybe in a couple of days.

Resultado de imagen de plc omron

Resultado de imagen de sysmac studio
This is our last week of the year and we have to take advantage of it as Christmas comes and we want to leave all relaxed. Some teammates are doing tab 1, which consists of the screen, then another with the tab 2 which is the challenge program and the others with the drive. This challenge is something new for everyone as we have never used this type of program and it is getting a little difficult. It's been a good year and hopefully next year will remain the same as the last year. Thank you.

We are very concerned in this challenge because there is an examination. In the previous challenge we did not have it and that is why it gave us more time and tranquility to do the exercises and the project. But in this challenge we have an exam and we do not look good for it and we do not see each other in time to finish the exercises and the project. Our colleagues told us it's the easiest exam of the whole course, but we don't think so. We discussed this to our teacher and he told us that it was not so much, so he taught us an exam similar to what we are going to enter to see it and see what he is going to ask us. After seeing it we realized that it was not for so much and now we are calmer, yet we should not relax and give our best.

Resultado de imagen de dibujo examen

Resultado de imagen de variador de frecuencia

We are facing the last week before the Christmas holidays, looking at the results this year we believe that we have worked very well as a team and that there has been very good atmosphere between us, now we have to charge the batteries in these two weeks and come wanting to t slow down to overcome the final stretch we have left. On the return of vacation we will review the challenge and put with exercises of reviewing the drive and the HMI screen together with the OMRON program. In this challenge we have an exam on January 17, so we have to prepare it well to try to get the maximum score possible.

This week we started the new challenge, as we now have the Christmas holidays we have less time to finish the challenge and apart from the holiday we will forget what we have done these days, but we will return with more strength to learn and improve as much as we can, have a nice holiday and enjoy the family. A very meaningful hug.

Resultado de imagen de christmas felicitacion ingles

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019

10th week

We've already finished the third challenge and this week we've moved on to the fourth. Finally the third challenge has worked out very well for us and I am very proud of my group. In this new challenge we will follow the same steps as in the previous one so that we do not slow down. We only have two challenges left and we can't relax. This challenge is something new for us as we have seen almost nothing before. The only thing we know or that becomes something known to us is the Variator.
Resultado de imagen de variador

This week we changed our challenges, we finished the previous project, we did not have to do an exam but we had to deliver many jobs, the challenge that we are now is quite difficult and we will have to study a lot and do many exercises to be able to pass. Now we have a Christmas break and we're going to have to stop and until we come back we can't study. Let's hope that on the break that vacation doesn't let us forget things.

Resultado de imagen de motor trifasico

We have divided the work in such a way that each one starts to do one thing to do it faster and to have more time to repair or ask about the damages that we have throughout the challenge. As we have been told, the colleagues who have already done this challenge, is one of the easiest we have in the whole course. Although I don't see it that way, because, I've never touched anything on Omrom. It doesn't matter if it's difficult or easy for us, we have to do it anyway. Today is the first day and we're a little lost.

Resultado de imagen de omron programacion

This way of programming is quite diferent to what we've been doing untill now, it combines HMI with TIA PORTAL, and starting with it is very challenging, we just started and we are so lost.
But we did really good on the last challenge, so I trust my teammates on this challenge we are going to give it our all again. This kind of screens are used a lot on industries, so it is nice that we can do something actually usefull, maybe when we start working we will have an advantage over other people. 
Resultado de imagen de omron industrial

This week we started with the new challenge, in this challenge we have to use the omron system, the programming is similar to tia portal only a little longer and more complicated. We have started by programming the language of reles that we have had to translate from a scl language, this is done and then simulate several things on a screen using this we will control the whole process. After this we will have to start using the varied frequency with a triphase motor.  Let's hope this challenge isn't too complicated.

Resultado de imagen de omron industrial pantalla

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2019

9th Week

This is the last week of the challenge and we're already finishing the loose things we have to finish.  We are going over things because surely something we have forgotten to do and we want everything perfect for when the teacher passes with the check list. If all is correct, we'll get a decent note. Last time we missed a few things and that hurts us on the final note, which we don't want to happen again, we were caught a little attention and out of pride we will not let it happen again. This time we're going to get a 10!

Resultado de imagen de brazo robot kuka

Resultado de imagen de cosimir mitsubishiWe just finished the main programming, now we are adding the last stuff from the challenge and debbuging the last things, we almost did everything in this challenge so I hope we get a 10, or a 9 at least. Larrinaga is completing the mitsubishi simulation part, we still dont have a battery, so it's a shame we cant use the robot like we did the mitsubishi, hopefully the next challenge will have everything running, so we can do everything we want.

We are 2 days away from the exam, but in this challenge we do not have an exam because it is the challenge in which more documentation has to be delivered, at the moment we are well on time, we need to test several situations but otherwise it is all finished, the documentation is all uploaded , preventive maintenance, abusing etc... The bad thing about this challenge has been that we have had several problems, those of the previous group broke the suction cup and the tape engine, therefore that part of the model we have to do with the hand, take the piece and do the process by manually moving and simulating the process

Resultado de imagen de cinta transportadora

cosimir bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiakWe are in the last week of the challenge and we are very advanced with the challenge. we've practically finished everything and we'd only have the robot exercises that Mikel Larrinaga is performing. In the end we have organized very well in this challenge and I am very proud of the team.  In this challenge we have no exam and that part we are not so concerned and have organized ourselves better than in previous challenges.

This week we are at the end of the challenge, we still have some things to finish the panel, in this challenge we do not have an exam with which we are calmer, tomorrow the other classmates have examination and we will not have work while they finish, there is no class on Friday and on Monday we have to present the whole challenge for teachers to see the work we have done during this month.
We need to make the presentation that we will spare it when the other groups are doing the exam so as not to disturb them.

 Resultado de imagen de fotos dibujos presentacion

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2019

8th week

In this week we have finished programs one panel, which we would fit the other by programs. Since we are 5 people in the group, some are dedicated to some tasks and others to others. For example, I've got the Mitsubishi robot. Right now we're having problems with Mitsubishi as it just jumps bugs and bugs. Taking advantage of the more robot, I am dedicated to the exercises that we have to deliver at the end of the Mitsubishi exercise challenge. We are growing as a team, every day we understand each other better.

Resultado de imagen de mitsubishi robot

Resultado de imagen de programacion tia portalThis week we are finishing the exercises and the program that we have left of this challenge, it is many things that we have to do but we are all finishing it. in this challenge we do not have an exam so we have one more day to finish the whole challenge, we have relaxed in this challenge more because we knew that we did not have an exam. we have to finish the programming of the robot that we are dedicating to finish it among all to make it easier.

We have two tables, each with its schedule. The programming of the first table is already done, it was quite simple and very short. The programming of the second table is much more complicated and it takes more time.
We need the teacher to come and help us because it is new things that need to be put into the program and there are no manual or decent tutorials. We believe we will finish in time to present it on time on the agreed timeframe, not like other times.

Resultado de imagen de cinta transportadora de rodillos

Resultado de imagen de lenguaje sclWe are still waiting for the battery, the mitsubishi robot is a pain to work with after working with the ABB model. It is an old robot, with old commands, doesnt even have joysticks, and the programming structure is just a pain to work with, it's much more complicated to work with, many more commands are needed for the same action. I am also currently working with SCL language, another way to program, it is challenging but I like the structure.

We are close to the last week of the challenge, in the absence of a few days we go quite well with the challenge, the hmi screen is finished, we have put the variables of the programming of the model. We would only need to finish the programming of the mitsubishi robot, that without having the battery we can not do anything with it, because when it comes to programming it does not stop beeping and we are continuously skipped an error that we do not know what it is, so until we didn't have a new battery we couldn't do this part of the challenge.

Resultado de imagen de pantalla hmi

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2019

7th week

This week we continue with the new challenge, this challenge is much simpler than the previous two, the only novelty is the mitsubishi robot that its use is much more complicated than the ABB. Speaking of the abb, as it is a challenge that we have learned quite a bit about it, the whole group we have decided that we will come this week in the afternoons to raise note of this challenge, since we can get a much higher note than we have taken. From the current challenge this week we plan to finish the programming of the 2 models, the wiring is ready and we would need to make the robot and the HMI screen.

Resultado de imagen de hmi screen

Resultado de imagen de panel electrico de una instalación
In this second week of the challenge we have planned to end the programming of the two panels and put into programs the part of the mitsubishi robot. The mitsubishi part we still can't start because the robot is missing a battery that has been removed by the teacher and until stack arrives we can't do anything about it. Besides, we're already finishing the vision exercises. In this challenge we have organized ourselves better.

This week we have had to come in the afternoon to recover some exercise from the previous challenge, but during the day we have to go ahead of the challenge work in which we are now, I personally have to go to work with which I have less time than my peers to do things in class, for now we go well in this challenge so let's hope to continue like this to arrive on time, on December 5th we have to have everything delivered so that the teachers can correct it and put the notes corresponding to each.

Resultado de imagen de cinta transportadora

Resultado de imagen de mitsubishi armThe challenge we are currently working on the mitsubishi robot, we havent actually started programming it but, we have a lot of stuff on our hands. We don´t have an exam, so that is nice, we can focus on the project and not worry about anything else.
We didn´t get the score we wanted on the ABB robot, but we all still passed, so I am still proud of my team, and I hope we can all be together at the end of the year.

We believe that in this challenge we are better organized than in the previous one. We are better distributing the work according to the qualities of each one, since in the previous one we assigned the jobs in such a way that we end up as headless chickens.
We're doing what we talked about at the last meeting we did and it looks like the whole new organization is going really well.
We believe that if we continue like this in the other challenges everything will be fine.

Resultado de imagen de cableado armario

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2019

6TH week

This week we have finished presenting the previous challenge, and we have changed tables to move on to the next robot, this week we have also done a practical exam but have not yet given us the notes. let's hope our whole group approves so that we don't have to do the exam recovery, the challenge we're going to start now doesn't have an exam but we have to turn a lot of work over to the teachers. I'm very happy with my team and I hope to go on like this and learn a lot more.

Imagen relacionada

This challenge has no exam, so we can focus 100% on the project, last one, the ABB robot was kind of a mess, we wanted to do so many things and we ended up not finishing anything.
But we are not giving up, I completed the exam pretty well, but still i think we can do better than this, we are not working as much as we can, we are just lazying around most of the time, and we won't get very far this way. We can't waste any time, we are already behind.

After finishing the previous challenge we started with a new challenge, the previous challenge we liked quite a bit since it was something new that we had never seen before. The challenge we started now is quite similar to the first challenge we did this course. In this challenge we have to simulate a tape that classifies pieces according to their color on other ribbons, and as soon as they reach the tape the robot comes and takes the piece and through a camera detects if it is well classified. In this challenge we mixed the previous challenge of the robot and the first one that we did the selection of parts.

We just finished our second challenge. we've come out a little regular as we've wasted a lot of time. Now when we start the new challenge our first goal is to organize well, as it is the most important thing when working as a group. In this third challenge we do not have an exam, so we have to worry more about the jobs that we have to do. The project consists of two panels and a robot. Each panel has to communicate with a PLC and consists of bringing parts to several ribbons of the panel, indicating whether they are good or bad.

Resultado de imagen de robot mitsubishi

Knowing the difficulties we have had in the previous challenge, we hope that in this we will put the batteries in and not demotivate ourselves. The biggest problem we have is that having any problem we instantly become demotivated and stop working, angry, until the next day. We have just held a meeting to try to improve on the above, we have to learn how to deal with problems and not decay.
This challenge seems interesting as it combines what we learned in the previous two challenges. We're hoping to get a 9 or 10 mark.

Resultado de imagen de reunión grupal

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019

5th week

This week we are finishing the Program of the ABB robot, we are fixing the last bugs that we have, which are not few, to be able to pass the chec list correctly. We're just on time, but we think we're going to get it all over in time for this Friday. It all depends on whether the teachers help us with the doubts to go faster, since it is tedious to have to look for the manuals of the programs and the machine that we use, because some of it are old or it are in an illegible language.

Resultado de imagen de robotstudio rapid
Resultado de imagen de robot abb

This week what we've dedicated ourselves to was ending the challenge we're in. We have a few things left to finish, but this week it has to be all over to introduce it to the teachers on Thursday. We're a little nervous in case we don't get there to finish it and we're working the whole group to get it. Like all weeks we have to do the English blog to explain what we do during the week.

We have the ABB robot test this friday, i hope we can all pass it with ease, i've been tinkering with it for quite a while, i don't think it will be too hard to pass.
And we are making the final steps on the main project, being able to work with this robot has been such a nice experience, in my opinion this one is the go-to project, it is the most interesting one, and one of the most unique and new.

Resultado de imagen de flexpendant

We're in the last week of the challenge. The Friday, we have the exam where we will have 2 parts: a practical part where we will have to use the robot ABB to move pieces from one side to another one, and the other part will be a written part of the camera and exercises of degrees and board positions. We hope that the work we have done shows what we have learned, it has been a tough challenge because it was something new and quite complex to use it. Between today and tomorrow we will review for the exam doing different exercises to see what we have learned.

Resultado de imagen de robot abb cadena montaje coches

In this last week we are making more use of the time, since at the beginning of the challenge we were more relaxed. This is the most important challenge of the whole year, as it is what we will find most tomorrow in the company. I think if we had made the most of the time from the start, we would have come to a better end of the challenge. 
Apart from the robot we have also been programming the camera, which is also very useful because in the company that my colleagues are using it.

Resultado de imagen de camara para robot abb

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2019

4th week

We are still working in the ABB robotic arm, we are still having issues with it, due to malfunctions in the cable management. But we are giving our fullest to make this project on time.
I hope our score in the exam was good, so we can focus 100% on working, everyday we learn new things and I hope we don't stop learning. It is a very hard challenge, but teamwork always helps out on working.

Resultado de imagen de robot abb mando

Resultado de imagen de robot abb controlador irc 5
This week I personally had to pass the previous CHALLENGE exam while my colleagues were doing the challenge we are doing now, I have already addressed what the teachers asked me to pass the previous challenge and now I am helping my colleagues to move forward with the robot challenge, we have a few days left to finish and ns we have to put the batteries to arrive in time to the delivery of the challenge.

We're working with the cognex camera. The function of this camera is to take photos of the parts that the robot leaves in front of it. It has to detect the bad black pieces and good orange pieces. According to the color the black pieces will be taken to a rejection zone and the orange pieces will follow the cycle pass by cnc, the paint area, the drying area and then to the area of good pieces. It has become quite difficult because the camera has enough functions to perform this room of parts, so we didn't know which would be better to use.

Resultado de imagen de camara cognex detectando piezas

This week one person of our group has been sick so they have lost part of this challenge, so we have had to work harder and distribute better the work. When he comes, we'll have to explain to him everything we've come through this week with the project. He was performing the "robotstudio" exercises the system where the rapid language of the robot ABB has to be programmed. We have to learn well how to use this program because the exam will have to do it using this tool.

Resultado de imagen de robotstudio

Resultado de imagen de flex pendantThe model we have is the irb 120. We've already started with the final program. Previously we started a simple program to know the characteristics of the robot. We are having problems with the robot as the shafts are not well aligned and does not go to its initial position. The robot program from the computer then i connect it to robot to give them some values

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2019

3rd week

In this week we have started the next challenge. In this challenge we start using a robot, in this case a robot of ABB company. We doesn't know how start to program this robot, in our group anybody never tought a robot. We have start doing exercise put in moodle but whe dont know how solve its, so whe need help of the teacher, and little by little we are pulling forward. We have to do a calendar for this challenge because we need optimize the time we spend in all things.

Resultado de imagen de robotstudio

Resultado de imagen de camara cognexWe are starting to get the hang of the ABB robot, it is such an amazing experience to be able to work with such technology, the learning process is effortless it`s all about using it, and only with that you are able to make such complex programs.
The Cognex camera is also so powerful, it can detect different colors and shapes, we haven't started with it yet, but I am eager to start using it to it`s full potential, the possibilities with this machine are almost infinite.

In this second challenge we have an industrial abb robot. We have to create our own program meeting the requirements of the model and apart we will add more things to have a great project. It consists of taking the piece on a tape, taking it to the camera to take a photo and depending on the part will make one process or another.Apart, we have to plan to put several sensors to identify whether or not the robot has a part in the suction cup.

Robot Features:
- It has 6 axes
- Works by a pneumatic group.
- Has a Windy
- Orange Card (rele... ect).
Resultado de imagen de ejes robot ABB 120

We believe that this challenge is the most interesting of all the course because it's something new for us that we have never used. The ABB robot is very important in today's industry because all companies use these this types of robots to handle their production elements.
And in the part of "Ikasempresa" this week we haven't started with anything new, we continue creating the first steps of our company, such as the positions of the workers, functions of each person, as we will promote the company etc...

Resultado de imagen de robot abb fabrica coche

This week I have to do an exercise of the previous challenge because I keep pending to finish it, it is very long and I am having a hard time doing the exercise, we have also changed the CHALLENGE and we are in the arm of the robot, it is new for the whole group and we have to be attentive to we can do everything the teachers ask us, hopefully this challenge will be better than the previous one and the mistakes we had we can improve them in this one.

Resultado de imagen de foto plc

martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

2nd week

In this second week, we've given up the work well, as it was our last week of the challenge.
Some of us have completed some exercises that we had to deliver at the end of the challenge, with the "TIA PORTAL" program. Others have dedicated ourselves to finishing the challenge panel, as we have had some small flaws.We had to stay in the afternoons to finish the challenge, as it was not going to give us time, and so we took the opportunity to study for the challenge exam.

Resultado de imagen de tia portal

The exam we have done this week has been a little complicated, we used the TIA PORTAL to schedule and the exam we had to do the programming of a conveyor belt that moved boxes, once the exam was finished we had to teach the programming so that the teacher saw it, and then there was a written part in which we had to write the exercise data, the note we were told that they will give it to us throughout this week hopefully we will get lucky and approve the whole team. AUPA THE PROGRAMMERS!!!!!!

Resultado de imagen de exam picture

We finished this last challenge, tomorrow we will start with a new one, it's an ABB robotic hand, it has to distinguish some colors and depending in the color it has to place the pieces in different places.
We need to use coordinates and a new programming language similar to C++.
It's going to be very challenging, is something new and we are going to try our best, we have to aim higher than the last challenge.

Resultado de imagen de robot abb

In conclusion we have work harder in the next challenge because as the first challenge we have started more relaxed and we have taken it so calmly that we finnish just in time. We need to hold an emergency meeting to agree on how to organize the next challenge so as not to have the same problems and thus save time. I believe that if we organize well from the beginning we will be able to take everything up to date without problems, and when it comes to managing incidents, do it efficiently.

And on the part of "IKASEMPRESA" this week we have created a company called "NOVIMI" (Do Not Live with Fear) in Spanish. It is a company with which we will say goodbye to the keys to open doors of home, the portal etc... . From now on we want the access to these sites to be automatic either with voice or with our fingerprint. This system is very safe since there is no physical key you don't have to be afraid to lose it and they can steal you, hence the name of our company.
And what we've done is create the first steps of the company; like the name, the logo, the slogan and explain a little bit about which the company is based

Resultado de imagen de dibujo llavesResultado de imagen de detector huella