I hope our score in the exam was good, so we can focus 100% on working, everyday we learn new things and I hope we don't stop learning. It is a very hard challenge, but teamwork always helps out on working.

This week I personally had to pass the previous CHALLENGE exam while my colleagues were doing the challenge we are doing now, I have already addressed what the teachers asked me to pass the previous challenge and now I am helping my colleagues to move forward with the robot challenge, we have a few days left to finish and ns we have to put the batteries to arrive in time to the delivery of the challenge.
We're working with the cognex camera. The function of this camera is to take photos of the parts that the robot leaves in front of it. It has to detect the bad black pieces and good orange pieces. According to the color the black pieces will be taken to a rejection zone and the orange pieces will follow the cycle pass by cnc, the paint area, the drying area and then to the area of good pieces. It has become quite difficult because the camera has enough functions to perform this room of parts, so we didn't know which would be better to use.

This week one person of our group has been sick so they have lost part of this challenge, so we have had to work harder and distribute better the work. When he comes, we'll have to explain to him everything we've come through this week with the project. He was performing the "robotstudio" exercises the system where the rapid language of the robot ABB has to be programmed. We have to learn well how to use this program because the exam will have to do it using this tool.

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